Saturday, September 22, 2012


Learning about Japanese culture has been a very interesting an eye-opening experience. What shapes Japanese culture is very unique, quite different when compared to American beliefs. The ie family system used in Japan was the topic I wanted to look at and compare the positives and negatives to American culture. Growing up in the US made it hard to wrap my head around the idea that one individual wants and desires where set aside to be able to accommodate the needs of the structure as a whole. The way the ie system is very different in how it focuses on continuity of a lineage and its associated business. This structure promotes the need to use ones family to uphold a business, especially with a male leader, has had a large impact on the culture. With only males being the head of the families, this essentially lead to only men being allowed to be in charge of businesses. Family and children were seen more as parts of a whole instead of individuals. This also lead to things such as arranged marriages since family’s wanted to strengthen their family and their business by becoming connected with families of the same class in that business. The marriages became more of a business deal, again less focused on the individual’s desire to marry and more on concentrating on strengthening the family as a whole. This concept of arranged marriages does not, for the most part, exist in the US. The family structure isn’t based on upholding the family name and business, but promoting each individual to follow their own aspirations. Since arranged marriages are still happening occasionally in Japan, it shows the ie system has not gone away completely. Though the ie system may be efficient way of business, it stifles individuals chances to find what they truly want to do and limits them to only the family business or to only be able to do things that will uphold the family name.
Do you think the focus on the whole over the individual is a bad thing?
Or is the focus on individual damaging the whole?


  1. I think that a balance between the individual and the whole is to prefer as most of the major work and changes in the world is done by people putting aside themselves as they work together with others while bringing their own experience and ideas into the mix.

    I think there might be families in America and Sweden where there is individuals which tend to think of their family’s needs first and themselves second, and I know that there is arranged marriage in both of our countries. There is a lot of cultures out there, where arranged marriage is only natural, and that belief stays with them even after moving to another country.

    My sincerest apologizes for the low-level English.

  2. I agree that it is important to work together to accomplish much, but I also believe it's important to keep your individual self. I believe a lot of Japanese cultural things drown out the individual through forcing importance of the whole in a way.

  3. I agree, but because of the nature of our culture, I place a lot of value on individualism.
