Monday, October 22, 2012

Movie Reaction

Movie Reaction
I think what really got me about the video was it made the disaster seem more real. Even saying that now I know that I will never be able to fully understand such a tragedy since I wasn’t there to experience it firsthand. The movie did a good job of putting the disaster in perspective in a way, showing the individuals experiences person to person and their feelings on the overall event. I also found it very interesting what the women had to say about the reporters, how they would always look for those who had lost family or where orphaned. This movie, as opposed to those news reports, focused on individuals stories about the event along with the aftermath and their reactions.
The common trend seemed to be that most everyone didn’t expect that large of a tsunami, and explained how it was just hard to grasp. Japan being a place where earthquakes and what not are common place, it shows how big of a natural disaster it had to be to catch these people off guard. As the filmmaker and her friend walked through the destroyed buildings they use to go to school or go to on a regular basis really shocked me. There was so much damage, and just trying to imagine that happening to my high school or neighborhood is hard to imagine.
                Something that really got to me was how the one woman was explaining how people are talking about the disaster as if it is over, while it is truly still happening. It must be harder and harder to get help and work through these times when the tragedy is being talked of as if it is of the past, when everything isn’t nearly back to how it used to be. I didn't realize there was such destruction during this tsunami, since the US mostly covered the issues at the nuclear power plant. But it seemed the news reporting’s interviewing the people weren't acknowledging everyone as well. It really showed that as a community, it truly is a hard time. 

How would your community react to such a situation?
How would you react to losing everything?


  1. The woman discussing that the natural disaster is still happening presents the very relevant topic of extended disaster relief. I know that New Orleans is still being repaired from the Katrina disaster.

  2. I too enjoyed the this film. It is sad to see a country in extreme devastation and reminds me of some of the difficult times our country has faced, especially with the recent hurricane that struck the northeast coast.
